ATTENTION PUBLIC!!! Do you want to be part of an initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Your voice will be heard if you participate! You can submit input through this link.

The Transportation & Climate Initiative of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States is drafting a proposal to reduce greenhouse gas pollution from transportation --as part of that process public input is sought. In particular, the entities seeking input are the state Department of Environmental Conservation, the state Department of Transportation and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
The program is designed to reduce emissions, boost the economy, improve public health, and achieve fair and equitable outcomes for under-served communities and transportation-related businesses.

The policy proposal is in its draft stage. The goal is that by the spring of 2020, each jurisdiction will decide whether to sign the final MOU and participate in the regional program.
The participating states are: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia.
So far submissions from individuals, organizations, and coalitions have:
o Expressed support for the effort to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from the transportation sector.
o Many cited rising sea levels and increases in extreme weather, wildfires, and drought and the urgency of acting quickly to reduce greenhouse gas pollution.
o Described the region’s unmet transportation needs, sometimes describing the current transportation system as “failing” or “crumbling.”
o Pointed to underfunded public transit systems, roads and bridges in dire need of repair, and ever-increasing road congestion as examples.
o Pointed out that transportation accounts for the largest remaining proportion of carbon pollution in the region
o Encouraged TCI jurisdictions to put a price on carbon emissions from transportation to drive cuts in greenhouse gas pollution.
o Pointed out that a program that puts a price on carbon emissions from transportation could invest the proceeds to address problems like congestion, healthcare and other necessities
o Business interests and climate activists alike encouraged TCI to set a data-driven, evidence-based cap on emissions that drives progress in emissions cuts while generating sufficient proceeds to support those investments.
In addition, DEC, DOT, and NYSERDA are conducting public meetings to better understand various perspectives on New York’s potential participation in a regional policy. The agencies will also seek input on alternative or complementary strategies to reduce emissions from transportation.
Public meetings are scheduled for:
October 23 in Long Island. Please register to attend here.
October 24 in New York City. Please register to attend here.
October 28 in Buffalo. Please register to attend here.
November 7 in Ithaca. Please register to attend here.

Additional information is available on the DEC website here. Questions can be directed to or to Pam Hadad-Hurst or Jason Pandich at 518-402-2794.