Attention public!
Over the past several months, surveys have been developed for four major target audiences: The general public, agency/service providers, employers, and public transit ridership.

Over the next two months, Seven Valleys Health Coalition will be widely distributing these surveys with the assistance of other organizations and students.

Your participation in this survey process is very much appreciated as Way2Go Cortland, a branch of Seven Valleys Health Coalition, is gathering data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the community's transportation needs. This information will be used in updating the county's comprehensive transportation plan.
This document provides an overview of the county's existing transportation options and also identifies areas for improvement. The public and stakeholder input is essential to updating the document and accurately identifying all the community's existing transportation services as well as needs.
It's not all about the bus

Surveys are also designed to gauge the public's interest in participating in multi-modal transportation like walking, biking, etc. Any input on what would make you get around more in these alternative ways, is appreciated!
In conjunction with surveys, SVHC is also identifying target populations to take part in focus groups regarding transportation. Some populations include seniors, students, individuals with disabilities, etc.
Please e-mail Mobility Manager Catherine Wilde at or call 607-756-4198 if you have suggestions for focus groups or if there is a transportation concern you wish to bring to our attention.