Mobility Management Program
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Watch this webinar to learn more about what microtransit is and how it can address transit needs in rural communities.
Most everyone in our community drives cars to get where they want to go. It’s something they don’t even think about. Others, through choice or necessity, are dependent on modes of transportation which may take a little planning.
We know that transportation is a quality of life issue – one that is connected to health, the economy, housing, sustainability, and so much more. Cortland’s Mobility Management system works on identifying our community’s transportation needs to work on providing a variety of transportation options. This includes, but is not limited to:
Working with Cortland Transit to maintain public transportation
Advocating for a healthy community by promoting alternate transportation including biking and walking
Sharing information on needed modes of transportation such as non-emergency medical, taxis, rideshare, inter-county transport, volunteer efforts, accessible transport, emergency preparedness, etc.
Interfacing with community organizations whose consumers require specialized transportation, organizations engaged in transportation, and other supportive efforts that assist persons in traveling and driving safely.
Cortland’s Mobility Management system is also part of regional, State and national efforts, the goal of which is to ensure that all persons can have their transportation needs met. The following brief video summarizes the vision we all share.