There are a variety of accessible and medically oriented transportation options within Cortland County if you are in need of extra assistance or are seeking help to get to a medical appointment.
Accessible Taxi
(315) 751-3273
7 days a week and holidays; 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. as the latest time for a pickup in Cortland
Collegetown Cab
(607) 588-8888
24-hour service; 7 days/week
A & D Transport
(607) 386-4773
24-hour service; 7 days/week
Speedy Medical Transport
(315) 463-7504
Monday – Friday; 6AM-7PM (negotiable)
Saturdays and Sundays by appointment
Open all holidays
Accessible Buses
(607) 758-3383 for general information.
Online schedules here.
Route 3 provide service to Guthrie Cortland Regional Medical Center
Route 2 & 3 provides service to Family Health Network (Rt. 281), Family Medicine Center (Rt. 281) and The Commons (off of Rt. 281)
(607) 277-7433
To get to Cayuga Medical in Ithaca, you may take the Cortland Transit bus and transfer to a TCAT bus at TC3.
(607) 758-3383 (for ticket sales only, no credit cards accepted)
DAV Van | Disabled American Veterans – Cortland Memorial Chapter 153
The DAV is a private, non-profit agency that provides transportation to veterans using volunteer drivers. The DAV in Cortland has two vans based at their agency on Owego Street. One van transports veterans to the VA Hospital in Syracuse. The other van transports to the Tompkins/Cortland VA clinic in Freeville.
Veterans needing to schedule the DAV Van should call at least 3 days in advance to schedule their rides.
Volunteer Rides
American Cancer Society Patient and Family Services Coordinator
The Road to Recovery program provides transportation for cancer patients in active cancer treatment, or appointments that support active treatment (anemia medications) and cancer-related surgery. Patients will not be transported to diagnostic appointments or other medical appointments. It’s offered to cancer patients who have no means of transportation or are unable to drive themselves. Patients must be able to ambulate independently.
Patients living in a supervised setting (such as a nursing home) cannot be transported by volunteer drivers but must depend on their home institution. An adult must accompany patients under the age of 18. Medicaid eligible patients are urged to use Medicaid sponsored transportation so that other patients can take advantage of Road to Recovery rides.