Need to get to a doctor's appointment, make a shopping trip, visit a friend or plan a trip to any destination?
The trip planner at can help!
Trip planner is a resource anyone can use and it's a click away. Just click on the above link, enter in your point of origin, destination and any other specific requirements for your trip (if you need a wheelchair accessible ride or assistance getting through the door) and then search for options in your area! You can also click on 'more options' to see resources catered to veterans or Medicaid clients.
The trip planner is a service of Getthere, a mobility management program of the Rural Health Network of South Central New York which primarily serves five counties- Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, and Tioga. However, trip finder can help people looking for transportation in Cortland County too.
This is just another resource for people to use, besides calling the Mobility Management Coordinator at 607-756-4198, which is always an option too.
Safe travels!